Auto Lead Distribution – a big step towards Sales Automation!

Auto Lead Distribution – a big step towards Sales Automation!


Isn’t it exciting when your business can generate new leads? Yes, it indeed is. But this excitement can be a bummer when you have to skim through all the leads and cherry-pick a few amongst them that are aligned with your area of expertise. However, like for any other problem, technology is here for your rescue. This time it is in the form of sales automation.


Through sales automation, manual, monotonous, and time-consuming sales tasks can be easily performed using Software, Artificial Intelligence, and other Digital Tools. We all know that leads are like any other resource; what matters is what you do with them. Further, after getting more leads, the chances of losing qualified leads are higher. The sole reason for this is poor lead management. On the contrary, if you automate the task of lead distribution, the leads are assigned to its suitable sales representative and poor lead management would have no place to stand.


So, let’s understand the meaning of lead distribution and why should you automate the process.


Lead Distribution


Lead distribution is the process of capturing, screening, and matching inbound leads to a specific sales person and allowing the business to be even more efficient with distributing leads. There are two types of systems to perform this task; automatic and manual lead distribution systems, each of which involves a phased and standard procedure for lead distribution. In this article, we’ll discuss about automatic lead distribution.


How does automatic lead distribution work?


Automatic Lead distribution involves using software that pushes leads to sales representatives based on the rules the company has formulated. After skimming through all the leads, the software assigns them based on the criteria like representative’s expertise, capacity, or lead’s location. For instance, you might want all the leads from companies with over 3000 employees to go to your most experienced sales representative. An automatic lead distribution system will perform this operation for you every time you receive a lead within this criterion. 


This system is more efficient than the manual lead distribution system because the leads are served to the representatives automatically and they don’t have to do anything once the company has set up the requirements. 


An automatic lead distribution system includes round-robin and rules-based routing to distribute leads automatically to the sales representatives.


Automated Lead Distribution Methods:



  • Round-Robin



The Round-Robin algorithm assigns leads to the representatives on a rotation basis. If there are 10 sales representatives, each of them will receive leads based on where they are in the queue. After completing the first cycle, the next round of leads will be assigned in the same order. 


This system ensures equal opportunity to all the team members and the work-load bias is eliminated. This method is suitable if the company has homogeneous sales representatives – perhaps, a sales team of a one-product company. Since the leads are not assigned as per any specific criterion. 



  • Rule-based assignment



Along with Round-Robin, lead assignment rules can be specified to improve the lead distribution process. Rather than assigning leads on a rotation basis, you can add rules that further define the type of lead to be assigned to each sales representative. 


For example, you may have a rule that says route any lead with a company size of 100 employees to a sales representative with 2+ years of experience. If your sales representatives have different territories, specify a rule that ensures that they receive leads from locations within their territory.


Benefits of Automatic Lead Distribution strategy


  • More efficient than the manual distribution system
  • It reduces lead response time and conversation ratio
  • Helps to monitor the capacity of each sales representative
  • Automates lead screening time of the sales force.
  • Enhanced customer experience as the lead is paired with its suitable representative. 


The Bottom Line


Automatic Lead Distribution System helps the business to reach out to a lead quickly, give the best possible experience to them, and ultimately, close more deals. Proper usage of this software will also increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales representative and provide the company an edge over its competitors. 

Contact us at to get yourself the much required ERP solutions. 

Covid19 Lock Down period and Coaching Classes

Covid19 Lock Down period and Coaching Classes

Coaching classes and training institutes are based on concept where students are brought together and taught concepts and skills of common interest. But the whole bringing students together is not possible physically, so how do educational institutes, coaching classes survive during lock down period. 


What we coaching classes must do is still bring students together, not physically but virtually using technology medium. Conduct lectures using technology, conduct exams using technology, conduct assignments using technology, share content using technology and conduct feedback using technology.


There is no replacement for physical classrooms and personal motivation to students. Faculty can impart love for the subject he is teaching in physical classroom. Emotional connect is also very strong in physical classroom study. But even without covid lockdown; technology implementation for training institutes and coaching classes has added immense value and contribution. Technology, Student management system and Learning Management System has played a huge role in automation, standardization, efficiency improvement in coaching classes and training institutes. Connecting to students beyond limited classroom hours, automating more academic activities, conducting and automating more assessments and evaluations, sharing content and tracking student progress has become very easy and scalable using the Student management system and Learning Management system. 


During Physical distancing and covid lock down institutes which already had LMS implemented for their academics had a huge upper hand compared to institutes which were only dependent on classroom delivery. 


Few institutes took initiatives during covid and started building their own LMS which was not present previously. Even small institutes and coaching classes realised the importance of technology and LMS for their academics. This was the main tool to reach out to students in implementing various academic activities,  hand holding students and tracking their progress. 


We urge every educator, coaching class and training institute to start implementing LMS for Online exams, Assignments , interactive Videos, presentation sharing, feedback conduction. These are basic tools that needs to be implemented to reach out to students in their house and evaluate them, teach them, and educate them.

Flourishing Franchisees Education

Flourishing Franchisees Education

I believe two major rules apply to flourishing franchises :
1. Increasing revenue of Franchisees
2. Increasing dependency of Franchisee on HO

First Rules ensures Franchisees are motivated to stay with Brand. And Second rules make sure that
parent brand is

  • Getting the Franchisees
  • Motivation for Franchisees
  • Dependence of franchisees

Firstly if you want to attract more and more franchisees, you will have to show how being franchisee
will benefit your pa

Getting a franchisees means getting a business partner. Business partner who will run our business
model, Brand for mutual benefits.

Both our business model and our brand needs to improve and evolve and show promising future to
attract more business partners and franchisees.

Brand is nothing but the faith that is built in market. Which takes time and has to be very carefully
preserved, improved. Faith is mainly also byproduct of word of mouth and marketing.

LMS for Educational Institutes with franchisees

LMS for Educational Institutes with franchisees
What type of Learning management system is required if you are running institute with multiple
company owned centers and franchisees? This question needs to be discussed very carefully. Every
Education brand has to provide LMS to their franchisees and centers. There is no-doubt and
confusion on this point. But matter of discussion here is How this LMS should be.
Implementing Learning Management System for your educational institute and its network of
centers and frnachisees is essential but you certainly need following aspects to look in to :
Established LMS : You should choose Learning Management system which is used by many other
training centers. So it is tested, stable and matured to handle your operations. Your LMS developer
knows the key pain points and priorities which you need.
Upgrades and Updates IN LMS : Understand how often is your LMS upgrading itself. How often is
your LMS developer upgrading and updating LMS? Technology updates are ongoing and never
ending process. Market Trends changes and our LMS has to answer and drive these market trends.
User expectations, UX technologies all are improving like never before and LMS we chose has to deal
well with all these changing variables.
Mobile presence of LMS : Your LMS has to have Mobile presence. Now a days students and learners
are spending more time on mobile devices. And delivering your content from their mobile devices
make it far more handy and accessible. Once we have Mobile app on our learner’s Mobile there are
number of this we can track and do with these features. We have access to their location, their
calendar, their contacts, All of this has to be used for benefit of student’s learning experience.
LMS has to be classroom complient : There are various LMS in market. Every LMS is built with
different purpose. There are few for corporate training, few for selling courses online, few for
international markets. But we need to choose LMS which is built mainly for complementing our
classroom academic framework.

There should be different Blog on what LMS features should be required in classroom courses
educational institutes with multiple centers and franchisees

Education Institutes with franchisees.

Education Institutes with franchisees.
Why will some one take your franchisees ?
If you are very much established and proven brand then some one may take up your franchisee. But
beyond brand now more important is how is the franchiser is hand holding and partnering with
franchisees will make more difference now..
In educational institutes, UPSC-MPSC, IT Training, Banking training, HealthCare, School coaching,
IITJEE many verticals are sprawling and Educational institutes training students in these institutes are
increasing everyday. Not just the educational institutes are increasing but the their franchises are
growing in Multiple cities from metros to tire two and tire three cities across India. There are many
brands and every day their frnachisees are increasing daily.
One should consider taking up franchisees based on following points :
1. Course Content : Before taking up franchisee of any educational institute one should be
very carefully examine the course content which Head office is extending to their
franchisees. How often are they updating their Course Content. How strong is their in house
built content. And how is the relevance of that content in current market situation. One
should update their course content minimum once year. So many new things are happening
in every sector. These new development has to reach student.
2. Academic framework : Does the brand provide you with Learning Management System. Do
they help you in assessing faculties and students. Is their regular feedback mechanism? For
students and faculties, How often is academic progress evaluated? Is there central system to
drive academics?
3. Center Management System : Head Office needs to have a strong Administrative tool to
hand hold their frnachisses on day to day operations, like lead generations, enquiry
followups, admission conversion, Students receipting – invoicing, Due fee recovery, Batch
Operations, Lecture scheduling, Attendance, Exam Management. Head office needs stable
and user friendly IT system to standardize these processes, have central control over these
processes, get real time updates about all these operations – transactions at center. These
things help HO to track the progress of every center and franchisees, get real time updates
on market behaviour, Analysis of operations. With this Head office literary becomes partner
with franchisees.
4. Placement Support : Head Office should be providing heavy placement support to all
students from every franchises. This ensures that Franchisees will stick with their Head
office. Students flow will increase and sustain only if there is constant placement support
from Head Office
Head Office has to plan operations and processes for franchisees in such a way that there are more
responsibilities taken care by Head office and as less as possible responsibilities are handed over to
franchisees. This way franchises are more dependent on head office and will stay longer with that
Brand. Keep only admission counselling, Lecture delivery, attendance tracking like these activities at

GST for Coaching Classes, Training Institutes and Academies

As per the recent changes in indirect taxes across India. All the coaching institute have to be extra cautious. Now Service tax has been replaced GST on all such educational institutes

Whether it is Coaching class or Training Institute or tuitions, If they are making revenue more than 20 lakhs per annum they have to get registered for GST. ANd Implement GST at their institute.

How coaching class, Training Institutes to issue Receipts Cum Invoices to Students under GST :

  • For all the collection and admissions  institute / coaching class is issuing receipts or invoices has to be with their registered GST number.
  • They have to add total 18% GST on their fees. Which includes 9% CGST and 9% SGST.
  • On their every Invoice or receipt to student they have to mention total GST amount and also what is 9% CGST and 9%SGST for that receipt or invoice.
  • They also need to mention their complete address, Registered name of their organization, Basic amount, 9% CGST and 9%SGST, date of receipt / invoice , Total amount, Name of student, Course that he is taking and Center where he will be given training
  • Agam Edu Enables you to print such a GST compliant receipts for students with no efforts

Coaching Classes, Training Institutes having multiple centers across various states


  • Some institute have their company owned centers across multiple states. In that case For every state where they have their centers(owned premises or rented premises), They need to register them self for every state GST separately
  • Training Institute, Coaching Class will be getting different GST number for every state.
  • Educational Institute will have to ensure they put correct GST number in the receipts belonging to that state only. Coaching Classes and Training centers will have to put GST number of given state to all the receipts and invoices issued in that State.
  • All Receipts cum invoices Sr No has to be single series for the given GST number
  • Agam Edu relieves the pressure from you. For your multi state coaching class/Training Institute; while giving receipts Agam Edu Automatically generates separate receipting sequence and automatically adds the correct State Specific GST Number


Course Fees to be reworked Under GST for Educational Institutes

Previously coaching classes and training institute were charging students with 15% service tax on their tuition fees, administration charges, study material, etc… But now from 1st July 2017 onwards, institutes will need to rework that and add 18% GST on all your basic taxable amount. You may have different Fee structures for your different courses, with or without installments, different fees for various centers but all of this has to be reworked with 18%.

Agam Edu help you in adjusting all of this with much reduced efforts. Almost automatic.


Excel Format Monthly GST returns for Coaching Classes, training Institutes

  • Coaching Classes, Training institutes have multiple admissions happening every day. There are Various old students paying their due installments
  • All this collection has to be submitted while filing monthly returns for GST
  • At first it seems difficult and horrendous task But Agam Edu helps you in this.
  • Agam Edu generates Excel sheet shown below with all the formulas and encoding required for GST Network site to be uploaded
  • This Excel Sheet created from Agam edu is created automatically from students collections, receipts cum invoices
  • The format of excel sheet that educational Institute, coaching classes or training centers has to prepare while filling their Monthly GST return is shown in image below. (This can be directly downloaded from Agam Edu)

GST for Training Institutes and Coaching classes has been explained carefully in this blog. Feel free to get connected with Agam Edu to automate and implement GST at your Educational Institute  


GST Input Tax Credit for Coaching Classes and Training Institutes  


Previously all the coaching classes and training institute use to charge service tax to student but now from 1st July 2017, All the training institutes and Coaching classes will be charging GST to their students. Because of GST there are various items on which these institutes will be able to take tax credit. Previously School bags, Stationery items, Study materials, Books and various other objects were under VAT. Now due to GST educational institutes can take ITC(Input Tax Credit)  for all such a purchases. Also various IT services, Marketing Services, Consultancy can avail them ITC. Not to forget but few coaching classes / training institute  wants their faculties,administrative staff and management to travel from one city to another city for institute purpose. All such a travels has GST in their travel fare. Ensure you provide your company GST details while booking your flights, train journey. So your educational institutes can take ITC of these expenses and Save on GST.

Fee Instalment : Schedule and Management

In Typical educational institutes; tracking of fees, Managing its schedule and forecasting collection is one most important aspect. As all academic resources, operations, Processes and Marketing activities are planned accordingly available cash in hand and projected fee collection from students.

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Multiple Admissions of a Student

Once you have enrolled student at your institute our main focus is to give him best academics, efficient administration and detailed evalaution of his progress. Once institute have conviction in delivering qaulity education to students; it results in satisfied students.

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We have launched our website!

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Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

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